Eduction plays an Important role in enablimg A child to face the real Like situation with adequate knowledge. We at the tirgat school Tijara alwar, strive to respect the unique individuality at each child, providing the child the right kind of assistance that he/she is seeking for children love to be liked, appreciated value. Encourage students to develop a sense of resposibility through a well planned academic schedule and well coordinated co- curricul activities. we believe that the purpose of education to encourage studesnts The trigat school assures a better future to all the children and guarantees an optimistic and over all transaction in their life. The school stands by all the stutdesnts in all the spheres of their life and provides them an opportunity to be associated as an indispensable part of the school.
"It is a school founded on academic excellence and committed to providing our students with a solid educational foundation that will carry them through a lifetime of learning. "
Mr. Ashish Yadav
Director (The Trigat School)